Who am I?
Hi, my name is Eric Jackson Perrin.
I’m 54 years old. I’m French with English and Spanish origins. My English ancestors arrived from Preston in 1814 and my Spanish ancestors arrived from Mallorca in 1917.
After having worked during 20 years in Logistics, I dedicated my life, from 2010 onwards, to promoting my spiritual legacy and to writing books so that everyone who wishes to do so can learn and use the marvelous following tools: Astrology, Mayan astrology, Runes, I-Ching and a self-knowledge tool based on Karmic Numerology called The Birth Diamond, which I created in 2011.
Amongst the 39 books I wrote in French, the following are translated into English.
They can be purchased on different websites, like BoD.fr, Amazon.fr or Ratuken.com
Mayan astrology gives you a vision of yourself and of your life that is very surprising and very different from known self-knowledge tools. It reveals your essence, your true self and your true path to yourself. This is what you will discover in this book. This book can be seen as a course in Mayan astrology. It shows you how to easily calculate your Mayan « identity glyph » and your Mayan chart. It then shows you how to interpret them by yourself according to three calendars: > The « thirteen moon » calendar > The « traditional » calendar based on the GMT 584283 constant. > The traditional calendar based on the VMR 774080 constant. Mayan astrology as taught in this book describes your Mayan Cross , which summarizes your essence and your life project. It then describes the main intention of your life followed by the sacred path, in thirteen steps, to return to the center of yourself, so as to become reconnected with the flows of love pouring out from the galactic center, just like a light bulb. The meditation of the Sun explains how to reconnect yourself with the « Source of all life ».
Who are you! Where do you come from? Why are you here? What is your life mission? Did you know that as all human beings created by « The Source of all Life », you are a Diamond that wants to shine? This can be done by being aware of all your facets and by expressing them in their best possible form so as to gradually become the best version of yourself.
The Birth Diamond is based on sacred karmic evolutionary Hindu Numerology. It is an astronumerological chart based on your first name, your family name and your date of birth. It is a very relevant and efficient Self-knowledge tool for private people, therapists, numerologists, astrologers and human resource managers. It reveals your soul’s structure and evolution plan through 24 « houses ». It gives you « keys » and describes your various facets, especially your unknown ones, like a GPS of your inner life. It can greatly help you to answer the above questions and many more.
In this book + workbook, you can learn how to build and interpret the Birth Diamond. You can discover your strength, your wealth and your resources, your challenges and contradictions, what you need to adapt and find your place in society, what you inherited from your parents, your deep self and your creative power, your technical abilities and recurring difficulties, how you relate to others, your solutions to generate progress, your « life path », your genealogical keys, your motivation and how you can blossom. Then, using simple coaching exercises and visualization, you can all upon the numbers and images used to represent them to help you reach your previously defined goals.
More information about the Birth Diamond are available HERE
Original and genuine German runes are a set of 24 symbols that follow a specific order, which begins with a rune called Fehu, meaning the creation of wealth and which ends with the rune called Daeg, which means the returning of daylight. These 24 symbols make up a data system and from a certain point of view, runes are alive. They are firstly a writing system, an alphabet called the Futhark as the first six letters of that alphabet are the letters f, u, th, a, r and k. They are secondly a tool to question destiny so as to obtain clear answers saying what is happening and what to do to flow in harmony with the will of the gods. Runes are also magical symbols that can help create events, using talismans, so as to fulfill needs in this world. They were created in Germany about 2000 years ago.
This new book is designed to be clear, deep and practical. It will make you discover Odin’s original runes and experience them as powerful friends and allies. It offers a special journey out of time in the world of mysteries, magic and sacredness. It firstly describes the civilization and belief systems that gave birth to Runes and shows how they historically evolved. It then reveals the 24 runes in a detailed and practical manner. It shows how to make your own runes, how to create a talisman and how to use it to do magic so as to change your life. Using different spreads it show how to question and how to interpret runes so as to obtain relevant answers. It finally enables you to get the keys to where you come from, to who you are and to where you are supposed to go to live your destiny, experience your deep inner truth and gain access to inner freedom by reconnecting with « The Source of all Life ».
Discover an amazing book that enables you to succeed on the path of your destiny by helping you take the right decisions.
Chinese civilization gave birth to a famous book, the I Ching or book of changes. It describes all the situations that can come up in your life or in the flow of events of an organization you are involved in. It also shows how each situation is likely to evolve. The I Ching can help you understand the “natural order” underlying life on Earth but also how human nature works and how universal laws operate. The symbolic language it calls upon being universal, the I Ching goes beyond time and space,
to become an eternal information system, like the genetic code of human life, whose main forces are movement and gravity. It finds its roots within the roc of eternity. If books had a soul, you could then compare the I Ching to a wise old sage who knows all that is and who can thus give you the appropriate advice.
This new version of the I Ching is a truly practical guide. It can help you handle any personal, business, political and social situations. It gives you all the necessary information to calculate your hexagram and to fully interpret it by yourself. It allows you to obtain clear, meaningful, deep and practical answers to almost every question in order to know what to do here and now.
With this book, you now have your personal counselor who can answer your questions, give you clear information and guide you, when you question him wisely, on the path that is right for you.
Training to learn how to use the Birth Diamond Karmic Numerology tool
Many Numerologists in France, Belgium, Switzerland and elsewhere give Birth Diamond Sessions… A Session usually lasts for about 2 hours and can be done by phone, Zoom/Skype or face to face. A session usually costs about 80€.
If you practice Life Coaching and/or Astrology and/or Numerology and/or Tarot or if you're a Therapist, you can learn The Birth Diamond in two days and then give sessions to your clients and legally use this wonderful self-knowledge and coaching tool. The cost of the 2 day training course is 250€. If your heart suggests that it would be great for you to use this tool, then you can contact me by mail at the following address jacksoneric@neuf.fr